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L photovoltaic technology is based on the physical phenomenon that directly converts solar radiation (electromagnetic) in electrical current in a device called a photovoltaic cell. Modern cells are made of semiconductor materials, where the energy that binds the valence electrons (electrons of the last shell) with their nucleus (positively charged), is similar to the energy of the photons that make up sunlight. When it affects the semiconductor material (generally silicon), its photons supply the necessary amount of energy to the valence electrons so that the bonds are broken and they are free to circulate through the semiconductor, thus forming an electric current. When a solar cell is connected to a load and is illuminated, a potential difference is generated across the load and the current will flow out of the cell through the positive terminal and back through the negative terminal. Under these conditions, the cell will function as a power generator. Each silicon cell produces approximately 0.5 V of direct current in good solar radiation conditions. To produce higher voltages, we must connect many cells in series as in a module

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